Discover Sarus Capabilities

Sarus combines a unique set of features to streamline and secure all your Analytics and AI projects with the minimum of friction.


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Privacy Policies

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Clean Rooms DP

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Synthetic Data

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Analytics & BI

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Machine Learning

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Action Upon Data

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Sarus connects natively to your databases, warehouses and cloud storages. Any source can be leveraged instantly without moving or preparing the data. Sources can be small or big data, and of any type (relational, numeric, dates, categories, text, images...).
  • SQL databases: Postgres, MySQL, MS SQL...
  • Data warehouses and lakehouses: AzureSQL, Synapse, Redshift, BigQuery, Hive, Snowflake, Databricks...
  • Cloud storages: Azure Blob Storage, S3, GCS

Privacy Policies

In Sarus, data administrators define privacy policies to govern the type of query outputs that the analysts can retrieve: access to synthetic data samples, access to aggregates, access to differentially private outputs, and possible exceptions.
  • Universal protection of Differential Privacy as the default
  • Readily-available templates for different levels of trust
  • Fine-tuned exceptions (per query, per function...)
  • Defined once, enforced across all user queries 
On top of that, Sarus logs all queries executed on the data and allows for fine-grained auditing so that you can easily meet your compliance and audit requirements.

Clean Rooms Differential Privacy

Sarus Clean Rooms Differential Privacy augments data clean rooms to protect the privacy of users with mathematically backed and intuitive controls. As a fully managed capability, no prior differential privacy experience is needed to help prevent the re-identification. Sarus Clean Rooms Differential Privacy obfuscates the contribution of any individual’s data in aggregate insights. It supports the broadest range of SQL queries and AI pipelines to generate insights about advertising campaigns, investment decisions, clinical research, and more.

Visit our dedicated web page to learn more about differential privacy.

Analytics & BI

Sarus provides a SQL API and a BI connector (based on HiveServer2). Analysts query data sources from any of the main BI tools (PowerBI, Tableau, Metabase...) without any additional friction. The Sarus app analyzes each query on the fly and returns results compliant with the user privacy policy. See Technology to know more.

Machine Learning

The Sarus python SDK enables data scientists to manipulate remote data with the exact same API as the standard libraries - pandas, numpy, scikit-learn... The SDK sends the data processing code to the application for execution on the remote data. If required, the code is rewritten by the application to comply with the privacy policy (e.g.: enforcing Differential Privacy). See Technology to know more.

Synthetic Data

Sarus provides secure and high-fidelity synthetic data for every dataset. They reproduce the statistical properties of the real dataset. This way, not seeing the source data is not an obstacle for practitioners when they perform the exploratory analysis, test, debug, and build their processing /modeling pipeline.
  • Fully automated for any data source, small or big data
  • Multivariate correlations preserved
  • Supports relational tables, numerics, categories, text, and more!

Action upon Data

The Sarus python SDK allows to push a query output to an external endpoint without the practitioner seeing it. This way, an analyst can build a segmented marketing audience or a list of suspicious transactions and push that list of ids to the relevant endpoint without seeing the personal information.

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