maximum data value

Analytics & AI Teams

Sarus enables Data teams to leverage more data faster and maximize their impact. Data scientists no longer need access to the source data to carry out their projects. Sarus accelerates compliance processes for each new project and makes all data assets easy to work with, whether they belong to the organization or to business partners.

Data science and analytics teams can easily validate hypotheses and opportunities, carry out advanced research, explore data assets, train or backtest machine learning models, or extract insights. At no point, privacy considerations get in the way.

Ship data projects faster

By streamlining compliance processes, time-to-data can be reduced from months to minutes, delivering value faster.

Access new data sources

Data sitting across borders or in sister companies used to be out-of-reach, now they can be leveraged for launching new innovation projects.

Collaborate with data

Engage with external partners, consultants, or distributors on private data. Combine personal data for extracting maximum value while keeping confidential information safe.


Make data assets readily queryable across your organization for all stakeholders. Debugging and testing, prototyping, reporting, BI, or ML become accessible to all without privacy risk.

Case study

Sarus for Analytics & AI in action

Data pooling for financial crime fighting

A novel architecture combining the confidential computing solutions from Azure and the Sarus privacy layer to pool data from different banks and safely detect fraudulous transactions.

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